Amber Bright Weddings

*As of 11/21/2011--I will no longer be capturing family, children, individual, or wedding photography sessions. I have enjoyed getting to know graduating seniors, adorable little toddlers, and unique, loving families and couples. I'll never forget the jumping pictures or being in a hospital room the day a little one arrives, but for now my life is turning to a room of sixth graders, eager to learn math, and I can't take pictures and give them the attention they need, so I'm scaling back. Thank you so much for being interested in my photography!! I know you'll find that photographer that will suit you & your family, and give you the pictures that will truly last a lifetime . . . worth a thousand words!

Innocent. Lola.

Lola's Dad asked me yesterday if I remembered the day I had the opportunity to take Lola's picture at the hospital the day she was born . . . I do. :) Thank you so much for letting me capture these moments in Lola's life. I will so miss her, & her sweet spirit when ya'll move. :(

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